Porcelain Veneers Chicago
Porcelain veneers, also called dental veneers, are thin porcelain shells that are bonded to the front of your teeth. When employed by a skillful dentist, like Dr. Mitchell, veneers can transform any smile into something radiant. Veneers can also fix minor misalignment issues in a process called “Instant Orthodontics,” as well as chipping, cracking, discoloration, and gaps.
Dr. Mitchell has been enhancing and repairing smiles with porcelain veneers in Chicago for 25 years. During that time she’s trained with every major cosmetic dentist in the country. She’s also a watercolor artist with a keen eye for color and the ability to look beyond what’s there to what could be. That’s why people travel from all over the world to get their veneers done here: Dr. Mitchell is the best cosmetic dentist in Chicago.